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Our team is here to help you take an active role in your health. Products and services are provided by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, Horizon Insurance Company, Horizon Healthcare of New Jersey, and/or Horizon Healthcare Dental, Inc. , each an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. Our plans let you see thousands of doctors and other health professionals across New Jersey and in Pennsylvania, Delaware and New York. Your PCP’s name and phone number are listed on the front of your Horizon NJ Health member ID card. fairfax county gis mapper The EZPass NJ website is a vital resource for New Jersey drivers who want to manage their toll accounts conveniently. Make an appointment online instantly with Doctors that accept Horizon NJ Health insurance. When you need medical care outside of New Jersey, always use a BlueCard-participating doctor, hospital or other health care professional to ensure you get the highest level of benefits. Products and services are provided by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, Horizon Insurance Company, Horizon Healthcare of New Jersey, and/or Horizon Healthcare Dental, Inc. , each an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. sarah n tuned fake It's free! Use the Horizon NJ Health Provider Directory to find a doctor near you. If you did not select a PCP on your enrollment form, we will select one for you based on where you live and your age. This website is operated by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey and is not New Jersey’s Health Insurance Marketplace. Thank you for being a part of our provider network as we work together to improve members’ access to healthcare. Scope: Products included: NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid Plan Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (FIDE-SNP) Definitions: Ground ambulance … To find in-network doctors, start by choosing a provider type. george demontrond For Enrollment: 1-800-637-2997 Hearing or speech impaired: TTY 711; For Member Services: 1-800-682-9090 (TTY 711) Letting the Health Benefits Coordinator and Horizon NJ Health know about any doctors you are seeing when you enroll in Horizon NJ Health. ….

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